Mother and daughter reading a magazine on the couchUSA Library Subscription to Practical Homeschooling Magazine

Library subscriptions cost a bit more than individual subscriptions. This is common practice for magazines, since each library subscription reaches hundreds of families who might otherwise purchase individual subscriptions. What is NOT common is how low we have priced our library subscriptions -- less than it would cost to purchase individual issues at the newsstand!

Homeschoolers LOVE the library! So please, get your liveliest patrons the magazine they want the most: Practical Homeschooling!

Practical Homeschooling Library / 1 Year (PHNL1)
One-year subscription to Practical Homeschooling for private and public libraries in USA. 4 issues.

Subscription renews automatically. Reminder will be sent via email before renewal occurs. You may cancel anytime and receive a full refund of all unmailed issues. 

$27.50 / yearSubscribe Now

Practical Homeschooling Library / 2 Years (PHNL2)
Two-year subscription to Practical Homeschooling for private and public libraries in USA. 8 issues.

Subscription renews automatically. Reminder will be sent via email before renewal occurs. You may cancel anytime and receive a full refund of all unmailed issues. 

$55.00 every 2 yearsSubscribe Now


“I’ve been reading your publication for years. We haven’t been able to homeschool our son full-time, but thanks to your magazine, we are supplementing his education. Thank you for this valuable resource!”
Julie Clark - VA, USA