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“I love PHS! Living in a small town so far from a large city PHS is my source of encouragement!! I always seem to read something that was just what I needed to hear. I hate it when I get to the last page!”
Julie Hamilton - Warren, AR, USA
“I absolutely love PHS! It is the definitive magazine for homeschoolers. I eagerly await each issue and devour it, from cover to cover, the day it arrives in my mailbox.”
Susan Moore - SC, USA
“I love this magazine. Whenever I get discouraged or just need inspiration your magazine is there to refresh. It is a wonderful source of encouragement and provides great resources out there. Thank you PHS!”
Shaey Anthony - OR, USA
“When I started to home school 12 years ago there were very few advisors I could go to for wisdom. PHS became my wealth of advisors to whom I could go day or night, finding wit, wisdom and encouragement.”
Ruth Gervat - NJ, USA
“Your information on how to teach, such as letting the child explore a new toy was very helpful for parents of very young children. I have already recommended your books to several of my friends with children under age 2.”
Julie Tobin - IL, USA
“First thing I did when I started homeschooling was to sign up for PHS, which taught me things and encouraged me on this chosen path. You also add articles and info as the homeschool movement changes. PHS will continue to be part of my family’s journey.”
Regina Adams - Dunn, NC, USA
“Our family is in our 5th year of homeschooling. I grab the latest issue of PHS as soon as it arrives at our local library. Thanks for all the informative articles. I especially love ‘A Day at Our House.'”
Michelle Smith - Buckatunna, MS, USA
“I don’t know what I’d do without you! As a former teacher, and now a homeschooling mother, I rely on your magazine to offer a wide range of educational topics. I’ve learned more from your columnists than I did in college for my education degree !”
Ellen Stanclift - ME, USA
“I’ve been reading your publication for years. We haven’t been able to homeschool our son full-time, but thanks to your magazine, we are supplementing his education. Thank you for this valuable resource!”
Julie Clark - VA, USA
“Before my children were born, my husband and I began investigating homeschooling. One of the resources we used was PHS. Now that we are homeschoolers of two lovely boys, we keep on reading PHS to stay informed. PHS is our favorite resource.”
Rosie Suarez - Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA