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New to homeschooling? Or a homeschool veteran? Either way, now is a great time to subscribe to the NEW digital edition of Practical Homeschooling® magazine.
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We've noted some of the features for you in red, on the cover image shown.
Click on the bright red button below to preview our new digital edition.
Every issue is 48 pages long, plus covers. Preview is 6 pages long.
The preview pages include the Table of Contents and a "What's In This Issue" article with details about the issue's major features.
A subscription offer will appear after you've seen the preview. Go "back" to keep viewing the preview pages after the subscription offer appears, if desired. Take all the time you need. 🙂
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“Before my children were born, my husband and I began investigating homeschooling. One of the resources we used was PHS. Now that we are homeschoolers of two lovely boys, we keep on reading PHS to stay informed. PHS is our favorite resource.”
“I love the product reviews which often are true critical reviews. I am glad that you publish the con’s of some products rather than only publishing positive reviews. Knowing both strengths and weaknesses of a product, book, or curriculum is important.”
“When I started to home school 12 years ago there were very few advisors I could go to for wisdom. PHS became my wealth of advisors to whom I could go day or night, finding wit, wisdom and encouragement.”
“I’ve been reading your publication for years. We haven’t been able to homeschool our son full-time, but thanks to your magazine, we are supplementing his education. Thank you for this valuable resource!”
“I absolutely love PHS! It is the definitive magazine for homeschoolers. I eagerly await each issue and devour it, from cover to cover, the day it arrives in my mailbox.”
“Practical Homeschooling is ‘down to earth’, informative, and interesting! When I see it in my mailbox I know it’s going to be a good day! I love it!”
“We have been homeschooling for over 8 years now and have been subscribers longer than that! I love your curriculum reviews and ‘A Day At Our House’. I’ve got a link on my website recommending your magazine as my ‘favorite homeschool magazine’.”
“Our family is in our 5th year of homeschooling. I grab the latest issue of PHS as soon as it arrives at our local library. Thanks for all the informative articles. I especially love ‘A Day at Our House.'”
“Before my husband and I married, he told me he wanted to homeschool our future children. I found PHS when our eldest was 3. Now, 3 years later, I am still so grateful for PHS! It has opened many vistas for me, and for our homeschooling family.”
“I love PHS! Living in a small town so far from a large city PHS is my source of encouragement!! I always seem to read something that was just what I needed to hear. I hate it when I get to the last page!”