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  • What makes homeschooling so special?
  • Is “school choice” really good for homeschoolers?
  • Fun ways to teach pre-reading skills
  • Science Literacy - teaching the “language” of science
  • How to make your own middle-school course, step by step
  • So much MORE!


We Do the Research So You Don’t Have To

“What is the point of a homeschool magazine, when there are so many blogs and articles on the web?”

That’s a valid question. And here is the answer.

All information is not of equal accuracy or importance.

All information is not timely.

All information is not equally easy to find, or understandable once you find it.

All information is not just what would be most helpful and uplifting to homeschool families right then.

And finally, information that is REALLY helpful usually has a lot of experience and research behind it.

That’s why we at Practical Homeschooling put in endless hours every day reviewing, testing, sorting, and tracing the latest in educational research back to the original studies.

We keep on top of what’s trending in academia, news, and social media as it relates to education in general and homeschooling in particular.

We also have our own decades of experience homeschooling children with wildly different personalities, needs, and abilities.

Armed with all that, we relentlessly search for what our readers will find the most helpful, practical, and encouraging.

We also run our very time-consuming annual Awards, where thousands of homeschoolers rank curriculum in dozens of categories and age levels.

And don’t forget our contests, where you might win a prize many times more valuable than the cost of your subscription!

We want you to get the most out of the time you spend with our magazine.

We appreciate every one of our readers, and hope you will join us!

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